A Woman of Faith – Impact Leader – Family Lover - Soul Care Nurturer.
I have failed and I have soared… Rejoiced and I have cried.. Triumphed just to then discover that the inner me was once deeply lost and defeated.
Today however, I celebrate.
I celebrate my evolution and the inner fortitude that allowed me to get up from the paralysis of fear, doubt and self-sabotage.
I got up and I remembered who I was and better yet who I am.
I got up and I remembered who I belonged to & the gifts that I am purposed to share with the world.
I got up and I dusted off the opinions of man and stepped into “the light” that no hate could ever dim.
I got up and I moved into a space of purpose and freedom… For I now know his grace will continue to meet me where my mistakes may try to break me.
I got up because the MARATHON towards destiny must continue. There is soooo much work to be done. I’m built for this and so are you. It’s Our Time!
I’m soo excited to begin sharing more of my journey with intentionality and meaning which is why I am thrilled to announce the launch of my blog: “Edified.”
Authenticity & vulnerability will live here and I invite you in that we all may journey together.